My family history

Family History2017-05-23T08:42:45+00:00

OK, I am being indulgent here. This page has a series of links to download history about my family. It is probably only of interest to direct family members, but I wanted a place to ensure that this information is available to anyone who wants it.

My mother, Meg Coten, has spent many years compiling information about her side of our family. This includes her own personal story of growing up on the family farm, her youth, radar operations during World War 2, travelling in Europe after the war and bringing us up in Australia’s outback. She has led an amazing life and I’ve always been grateful for the knowledge she has imparted to me as a result.

Unfortunately, I don’t have any information about my fathers side of the family. He passed away when I was five years old and had lost touch with his family, who were based in the UK. When he died, my mother had no-one to tell and to this day I don’t have any information about him (as in, absolutely nothing). His name was John Francis Coten and his father was in the British Army. If anyone reads this and has information, I’d love to speak to you

Watch this space for the links below – it’s coming soon!